Journal articles
Solène Tarride, Martin Maarand, Mélodie Boillet et al. Large Scale Genealogical Information Extraction From Handwritten Quebec Parish Records, 15 November 2022, PREPRINT (Version 1). doi :
Vézina, H., & Bournival, J.-S. (2020). An overview of the BALSAC Population Database. Past Developments, Current State and Future Prospects. Historical Life Course Studies, Online first.
Vézina, H., St-Hilaire, M., Bournival, J.-S., & Bellavance, C . (2018). The linkage of microcensus data and vital records : an assessment of results on Quebec historical population data (1852-1911). Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 51, 4: 230-245. doi: 0.1080/01615440.2018.1507771
Conference proceedings
Vézina, H., Kermorvant, C., Bonhomme, M.-L., & Bournival, J.-S. (2019, 21-24 november). i-BALSAC: Completing families with the help of automatic text recognition. In S. Ruggles (resp.), Automatic Handwriting Recognition [symposium]. 44rd Annual meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, IL, United States.
Vézina, H., Bournival, J.-S., Girard, S., & St-Hilaire, M. (2018, 8-11 november). i-BALSAC: A multisectoral infrastructure for the study of the Franco-Canadian population. In R. Zijdeman (resp.), Large linkage projects: New opportunities [symposium]. 43th Annual meeting of the Social Science History Association, Phoenix, AZ, United States.
Vézina, H., Bournival, J.-S., & St-Hilaire, M. (2016, 17-20 november). Following individuals across seven censuses: a validation tool for linkage results. In E. Rotella, (resp.), Innovative techniques for record linking. 41th Annual meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, IL, United States.
Bournival, J.-S., Vézina, H., & St-Hilaire, M. (2016, 19-21 may). Comparing information from vital events to the 1891 census data in the Saguenay region of Quebec: a critical appraisal of the two sources. In B. Revuelta Eugercios (resp.), Sociopolitical and economic contexts – demands for demographic information and population data [symposium]. International Seminar on Registering and Counting the Population Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
Working papers
Bournival, J.-S. (2015, june). Modalité des variables du dictionnaire des lieux de résidences (no 267) [Excel format].
Bournival, J.-S. (2015, june). Répertoire des variables du dictionnaire des lieux de résidences (no 266).
Jomphe, M. (2011). Validation des généalogies reconstituées à BALSAC à partir de données génétiques (no 243).
Bourque, M., & Bouchard, M. (2003, august). Exhaustivité de l’enregistrement des actes des non-catholiques et évaluation de leur contenu nominatif à des fins de jumelage (Québec, 19e siècle) (no 218).
Research service
BALSAC (2024), Data Management Framework, 25 pages.
BALSAC (2024), Cadre de gestion Échantillon de référence régional québécois (ERRQ), 13 pages.
BALSAC (2024), Access request form for the BALSAC database, 4 pages.
BALSAC (2024), Project modification form for the BALSAC database, 3 pages.
Bondu, H. (prepared by) (2024, March). Structure and variables of the BALSAC database, Research service, 11 pages.
Questionnaire généalogique (RedCap)
BALSAC, Questionnaire généalogique pour RedCap, ZIP/Fichier CSV, 2024.
BALSAC, Consentement du Questionnaire généalogique pour RedCap, ZIP/Fichier CSV, 2024.
BALSAC, English version of the genealogical questionnaire for the Multi-Language Management (RedCap), Fichier CSV, 2024.